Blair's Book Blog


I enjoy books, libraries, and bookstores, and I want to share that enjoyment with others. I intend to use this blog to post reviews of books I read, and to replace privately-owned book trackers (update 2023-06: bookwyrm is a nice alternative to privately-owned book trackers.)

This blog isn’t intended to make me money,. I have no plans to have affiliate links; this is solely a project for fun.

How I rate books

I generally use the following rating system when I rate books:


Affiliation policy

I do not participate in any affiliation programs.

When possible, I provide two links for each book:

For non-book items (if I post about them), I’ll try to provide direct links to relevant product pages.

I have no plans to participate in affiliation programs. First, I want to avoid any conflicts of interest (or appearances of such). Second, I want this to be a fun outlet to record short reviews and a spot where I can tinker with hosting a website. I have no interest to earn money from this, because I do enough writing during the day that having a break to write for pleasure is nice.